Ep. 84 - Facebook Plant Groups

with Madison and Jillian from 2 Girls 1 Plant Podcast

This week we share our experiences with navigating the diverse world of Facebook Plant Groups,

which can be great sources for care info, plants, community, and potentially frustration. Thankfully, the hosts of 2 Girls 1 Plant join us, because they have much more experience than we do, and were happy to share some excellent tips, tricks, and best practices to get the most from your online plant communities! Can Matthew tell BTS from BST?
And what's a thunder-dome?

Be sure to check out Madison and Jillian on Instagram, their website, and find their show anywhere fine podcasts are enjoyed!

Mentioned in this episode:

  • the online plant community and Facebook Plant Groups, what you can get from being a member, how to pick the ones best for you, and the etiquette of participation


Ep. 85 - Venus Fly Trap


Ep. 83 - Monstera deliciosa